
The Hero's Journey

The Hero's Journey is a storytelling framework that has been used for thousands of years. It's a simple framework that can be used to powerfully describe the customer's journey from problem to solution.

"hero": "John, a visionary startup founder who is eager to better understand his customer base to drive growth.",
"externalProblem": "Facing the challenge of gathering and making sense of customer data from multiple sources.",
"internalProblem": "John is feeling overwhelmed and confused by the complexity of dealing with disparate data sources and is worried about missing out on important customer insights.",
"struggle": "John grapples with the philosophical struggle of wanting to be data-informed but not being able to do it effectively due to the lack of a unified system.",
"villain": "Disconnected Data",
"guide": "Segment, a powerful customer data platform, provides a unified approach to collecting, storing, and analyzing customer data.",
"plan": "Consolidate, Analyze, Act",
"planStep1": "Consolidate – John can connect all data points into one repository using Segment's versatile API.",
"planStep2": "Analyze – Segment provides intelligent analysis tools and personalized customer insights.",
"planStep3": "Act – With all the necessary data in one place, John is able to take precise action and make data-driven decisions.",
"callToAction": "Try Segment's advanced features free for one month and witness the transformational power of organized and actionable customer data.",
"failure": "Without the assistance of Segment, John risks wasting time, resources, and potential growth on ineffective and individualistic data practices.",
"success": "With Segment, John will gain accurate, integrated customer insights that he can translate into strategic action and business growth.",
"transformation": "John transforms from a perplexed founder, overwhelmed by disparate data, into an informed startup leader making confident, data-driven decisions.",
"transformFrom": "Overwhelmed Founder",
"transformTo": "Informed Startup Leader",
"tagline": "Unleash your data's potential with Segment – from disconnected chaos to precise, actionable insights."

Explore the API at (opens in a new tab)

The Hero

Your customer is the Hero, not your brand. Every customer is on a journey, and your brand is a guide to help them along the way. Your brand is not the hero of the story, your customer is. Your brand is the guide.

The api at (opens in a new tab) generates a StoryBrand script based on a given company name. The script is generated using a GPT-2 model trained on the StoryBrand framework. The model was trained on 1000+ StoryBrand scripts and is able to generate scripts that are similar to the ones written by humans.

"hero": "",
"problem": {
"villian": "",
"internal": "",
"external": "",
"philosophical": ""

Has a Problem

The more you talk about your brand, the more you bore your customer.
Your customer is not interested in your brand, they are interested in solving their own problems.
Your customer is the hero of the story, and they have a problem.

Meets a Guide

Your customer is the hero, and they have a problem. They need a guide to help them solve their problem. Your brand is the guide, not the hero. Your brand is the guide that helps your customer solve their problem.

Providing a Plan

Your customer is the hero, and they have a problem. They need a guide to help them solve their problem. Your brand is the guide, not the hero. Your brand is the guide that helps your customer solve their problem.

Calls to Action

Your customer is the hero, and they have a problem. They need a guide to help them solve their problem.

Avoid Failure

Your customer is the hero, and they have a problem. They need a guide to help them solve their problem.

Achieve Success

Your customer is the hero, and they have a problem. They need a guide to help them solve their problem.