API Documentation


You can authenticate with the API through three different methods:

  • Query Param ?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY
  • Authorization Header Bearer YOUR_API_KEY
  • Cookie JWT Token


"hero": "Tom, a creative and diligent startup founder who wants to build an innovative platform while managing other important aspects of his business.",
"problemExternal": "Tom struggles with high development costs and lacks the technical expertise to automate and integrate multiple applications that his business needs.",
"problemInternal": "He feels overwhelmed and stressed as he grapples with understanding coding and finding balance between growing his startup and having a life.",
"problemPhilosophical": "Tom believes that technology should empower entrepreneurs, not hinder their creativity or slow down their growth.",
"problemVillain": "The daunting world of coding and complex technical setup, which takes up time and resources, stands in Tom's way.",
"guide": "Zapier, an easy-to-use no-code platform that automates your work by connecting all your digital tools, empowering you to focus on what matters most.",
"plan": "Zapier offers a step-by-step guide to onboard Tom, presenting a library of pre-built connectors, easy-to-follow zap setup, and 24/7 customer support.",
"callToAction": "Zapier urges Tom to sign up for a free trial, so he can begin creating his first zap and experience the power of automation.",
"failure": "If Tom ignores this opportunity, he continues to endure the stress and costs of manual work, thereby stifering his startup's growth and potential.",
"success": "With Zapier, Tom will easily integrate his digital tools, save time, and reduce stress. He will witness enhanced operational efficiency, leaving him with more time for essential tasks.",
"transformation": "Tom, from a drained and overwhelmed startup founder, transforms into a successful entrepreneur, managing a streamlined business effortlessly.",
"shortStory": "Tom, a startup founder, is sinking in the technical complexities and high costs of software integration. Enter Zapier, a no-code platform, enabling him to automate his work by connecting all his digital tools. Urged to sign up for a free trial, Tom embarks on a journey towards operational efficiency & success. Ignoring this means remaining stuck and overwhelmed. Yet, embracing automation leads Tom to be a successful entrepreneur managing his business effortlessly.",
"longformStory": "Meet Tom, a creative and diligent startup founder, passionate about his business, but drowned in managing countless tasks with a hard time integrating all the digital tools necessary for running his startup. Coding, technical setup, and the increasing costs become a daunting nightmare, leading him to neglect the areas of his business that need his attention. He yearns for a solution that simplifies his work and isn't heavy on his pocket. Here comes Zapier, a no-code platform that is designed to make Tom's work easy by automating all his tasks and integrating his digital tools. Zapier guides Tom step-by-step, offering a library of pre-built connectors, easy-to-follow zap setup, and 24/7 customer support. Now, Tom can spend more time where it really matters by letting Zapier manage the common task to run his startup effortlessly. So, what's holding Tom back? Nothing! Zapier calls him to action offering a free trial to experience the world of automation right away. Ignoring this chance, Tom's startup might not reach its potential, and he will continue being stressed and overwhelmed. But, if he embraces it, an enormous transformation awaits him. High operational efficiency, less stress, and more time for critical business tasks are all on the other side of signing up. Tom, once an overwhelmed startup founder, now is a successful entrepreneur who revels in the triumph of his efficiently managed business.",
"tagline": "Zapier~ Drive your Startup's Growth, Effortless Integration and Automation."

"hero": "John, a visionary startup founder who is eager to better understand his customer base to drive growth.",
"externalProblem": "Facing the challenge of gathering and making sense of customer data from multiple sources.",
"internalProblem": "John is feeling overwhelmed and confused by the complexity of dealing with disparate data sources and is worried about missing out on important customer insights.",
"struggle": "John grapples with the philosophical struggle of wanting to be data-informed but not being able to do it effectively due to the lack of a unified system.",
"villain": "Disconnected Data",
"guide": "Segment, a powerful customer data platform, provides a unified approach to collecting, storing, and analyzing customer data.",
"plan": "Consolidate, Analyze, Act",
"planStep1": "Consolidate – John can connect all data points into one repository using Segment's versatile API.",
"planStep2": "Analyze – Segment provides intelligent analysis tools and personalized customer insights.",
"planStep3": "Act – With all the necessary data in one place, John is able to take precise action and make data-driven decisions.",
"callToAction": "Try Segment's advanced features free for one month and witness the transformational power of organized and actionable customer data.",
"failure": "Without the assistance of Segment, John risks wasting time, resources, and potential growth on ineffective and individualistic data practices.",
"success": "With Segment, John will gain accurate, integrated customer insights that he can translate into strategic action and business growth.",
"transformation": "John transforms from a perplexed founder, overwhelmed by disparate data, into an informed startup leader making confident, data-driven decisions.",
"transformFrom": "Overwhelmed Founder",
"transformTo": "Informed Startup Leader",
"tagline": "Unleash your data's potential with Segment – from disconnected chaos to precise, actionable insights."

"hero": "Our hero is a builder. A creative, tech-savvy, passionate builder who has a great idea for a new digital product. This builder, whether it's an app, a website, or a digital tool, believes in innovation and the power of technology to change the world.",
"externalProblem": "However, the builder constantly struggles to find the right audience to showcase their product and get genuine feedback. They are lost in a sea of other builders and their products, unable to make a significant impact or find a place to truly stand out.",
"internalProblem": "The builder is feeling frustrated, unheard, and unseen. Doubts are starting to creep in, they're questioning whether their product is genuinely good or if all their hard work has been for nothing.",
"struggle": "Feeling frustrated and being lost in the vast digital world, the builder grapples with the philosophical struggle - 'Should they persist in the face of adversity or surrender to the unidentified and impersonal digital crowd?'",
"villain": "The faceless, impersonal digital crowd is the villain in this story, causing the builder to feel unseen and unheard.",
"guide": "Enter Product Hunt. Product Hunt is more than just a website; it's a thriving community of tech enthusiasts, venture capitalists, and creators. Our comprehensive platform showcases the best new products every day while providing a platform for builders to present their products, engage with an enthusiastic audience, and get insightful feedback.",
"plan": "Discover, Showcase, Engage",
"planStep1": "Discover: Navigate Product Hunt's curated collections and popular products to gain inspiration and understand the market.",
"planStep2": "Showcase: Present your product on our platform, showcasing its features and potential to a community eager for innovations.",
"planStep3": "Engage: Interact with users, receive feedback, answer queries, and build relationships with potential customers, mentors, and investors.",
"callToAction": "Take the leap and bring your product to the global stage with Product Hunt. Join us, showcase your product, and let your innovation speak for itself.",
"failure": "If the builder does not seize this opportunity, they risk staying in the shadows, their product never reaching its rightful audience. The feeling of being overlooked and unheard could eventually lead to missed opportunities and potential partnerships.",
"success": "If they do take this step, however, the builder can finally gain the visibility and engagement that they've been longing for. Their product will be showcased to a global audience, potentially leading to user base growth, valuable feedback, and even investor interest.",
"transformFrom": "At the beginning of the journey, our hero was a unheard and unseen product builder, with an innovative product but lacking the platform to showcase it.",
"transformTo": "As a result of their journey with Product Hunt, the builder transforms into a celebrated innovator. Now with an engaged audience, constructive feedback, and potential investor interest, their product has the chance to truly shine.",
"tagline": "Product Hunt - Unearthing Tomorrow's Innovations Today."